EdEon News | April 6, 2021
Stanford Neurodiversity Presentation

SSU student Alex Vasquez and Prof. Lynn Cominsky will be presenting in the Stanford Neurodiversity K-12 Education and Advocacy Network seminar series on Thursday 4/8 from 4 – 5 pm PDT. We will be discussing our new NASA program to support neurodiverse learners (NASA’s Neurodiversity Network or N3) that was inspired by Alex’s educational journey through college to graduate school in physics.
This event has now ended. You can view a recording of the presentation here: https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/share/45IOx76XuPGBYkb2H_ZCwB7SFq3zp24uPzOBCvgyR0VWkHhXiX9V2WSQwU2RMqTj.M_XVPa8AI5XbjsRv